Friday, July 25, 2014

What am I doing?

This is my first attempt at a blog.  Why a blog?  Well I thought I could post random thoughts on doing genealogy research and add tips and *sigh* failures.  

I grew up in a small town in NW Oklahoma.  We did not have any cousins, Aunts or Uncles, or even Grandparents living here.  It was just my family (parents and 6 daughters).  We did have 2 Grandmothers who would come to visit on the train.

We took family vacations back to Missouri to visit family there.  I only had one cousin on my mother's side and only 2 living on my father's side.  So we really had a small extended family.... until my older sisters all started getting married.

Then that added the brothers-in-law and nieces and nephews.  By the time I got married we would have a pretty full house at Christmas time.

Then I married and added his family into the mix.   My younger sisters married and eventually there were the 6 sons-in-law and 13 grandchildren running around on holidays.

You would think that would be enough for anyone but no.   Two of my sisters and I started looking for our roots along with our husband's roots.  And of course the extended families connected to them.

I will share some of the good, the bad and the funny things that have happened along the way.

'Til we meet again,